Math Mania

A simple, but addictive, math based game.

About Math Mania

Math Mania is a simple, but addictive, math based game for your Alexa. To give it a try simply say "Alexa, start Math Mania" to your Alexa powered device.

For every correct answer you will earn points. Also, the faster you correctly answer a problem, the more points you earn.

As you string a series of correct answers together, you will increase your personal streak and work towards higher levels. The difficulty of the problems you are presented with increases as you level up.

Math Mania provides a variety of game modes including:

Addition — Where you'll be asked a variety of addition problems such as "what is 3 plus 9?".
(Answer: 12)

Subtraction — where you'll be asked a variety of subtraction problems such as "what is 12 minus 9?".
(Answer: 3)

Multiplication — where you'll be asked a variety of multiplication problems such as "what is 2 times 5?".
(Answer: 10)

Division — where you'll be asked a variety of division problems such as "what is 8 divided by 4?".
(Answer: 2)

Algebra — where you'll be asked a variety of algebra problems such as "what is X if 14 = X + 7?".
(Answer: x equals 7)

Money — where you'll be asked a variety of money values such as "how much is 3 dimes?".
(Answer: 30 cents)

Everything — where you'll be asked a vareity of problems that may be one of any of the above.

Custom — where you can play any of the above modes, but specify a number you want your problems to focus on.
For example, if you start a "custom addition" game, and then say you want to focus on 9, all of the problems will have a 9 in them (e.g. 9 + 3 or 9 + 18 as you level up)

Online Demo Version

You can play a web-based version of the game right now! Just pick the mode from the drop down menu, then provide the solution in the available text box to the problem you are presented with and click the 'answer' button.

please choose a game mode first

NOTE: Scores and streaks from this demo are not saved and do not count towards high scores or streaks. You can rest your level, score, and streak here at any time.

Current High Scores from last 100 players
  1. 1050 — July 22nd, 2024
  2. 1012 — July 26th, 2024
  3. 1010 — July 23rd, 2024
  4. 247 — July 26th, 2024
  5. 58 — July 23rd, 2024

Current High Streaks from last 100 players
  1. 51 — July 26th, 2024
  2. 36 — July 26th, 2024
  3. 33 — July 22nd, 2024
  4. 24 — July 24th, 2024
  5. 23 — July 23rd, 2024